Recipe: Perfect Porridge chaud

Porridge chaud. More information on "Porridge chaud" Guryev porridge is a classic Russian dish. Porridge, also known as Detective Porridge, is a cat/bear/rabbit who works for the Marzipan City Police Department. He appeared in "My Big Fat Stinky Wedding" as an undercover detective posing as a "foreign-exchange apprentice".

Porridge chaud Learn how to make porridge using our foolproof recipe, then experiment with some tasty toppings. Try coconut and dried fruit, decadent chocolate and nut or simple berry and banana. Traditional Cantonese rice porridge (congee) recipe make easy. You can have Porridge chaud using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Porridge chaud

  1. You need 40 gr of flocons d’avoine.
  2. Prepare 1 of CàS de graines de chia (facultatif).
  3. It's 150 ml of lait.
  4. It's 15 gr of sirop d’agave ou autre sucrant.
  5. It's 1 of CàC de vanille liquide.
  6. It's of Toppings au choix : chocolat, fruits, purée d’oléagineux, graines, noix,...

This rice porridge is the breakfast and lunch staple in many Asian countries and serves in Dim Sum restaurants (they call it as jook in. Bored of the same old breakfast? Want a healthy, filling and tasty start to the day? This refreshing morning treat slowly releases.

Porridge chaud step by step

  1. Dans une casserole, mettre tous les ingrédients : flocons d’avoine, graine de chia, lait, sucre, vanille.
  2. Mélanger à feu doux jusqu’à que ça commence à épaissir.
  3. Dès le premier épaississement, éteindre le feu et mettre dans un bol.
  4. Ajouter les toppings de votre choix. Ici j’ai mis un carré de chocolat que j’ai laissé fondre dessus 😋 et quelques framboises.
  5. Voilà c’est prêt !!! Régalez vous 😋.

Porridge refers to hot cereal grains or ground legumes boiled in water or milk, and often served as a breakfast food. Almost every culture has some variation of this dish, based on the most available. This Millet Breakfast Porridge is a nice change from the usual oatmeal breakfast. It uses millet, an ancient grain Porridge vs. Oatmeal is a type of porridge, but not.

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